Document translation
Our certified documents include the following:
The translator's name, qualifications, and contact details
The translated document and language
The translation's completeness and accuracy
The date
Certified translations are often used for legal, state, contractual, or immigration purposes. Some examples of documents that often require a certified translation include:
Birth, marriage, divorce, and death certificates
Passports and driver's licenses
Patent filings
Medical records
Diplomas and transcripts
Criminal record checks
Adoption records
Bank statements
How much do we charge?
Per-word rate:
We charge $0.10-$0.30 per word, Consider factors like language pair, document complexity, and turnaround.
Per-Page Rate:
Suitable for shorter documents or when word count is difficult to estimate.
Define a standard page length (e.g., 250 words).
Example: $50 per page for standard documents, $80 for complex or specialized documents.
Flat Rate:
Ideal for small, fixed-scope projects or recurring clients. Call for more information.
Types of Documents and Pricing:
General Documents:
Personal documents (birth certificates, diplomas, etc.): Per-page rate or flat rate.
Business documents (contracts, reports, marketing materials): Per-word rate or flat rate.
Specialized Documents:
Legal documents (contracts, court filings): Higher per-word rate due to legal expertise.
Medical documents (clinical trials, patient records): Higher per-word rate due to medical terminology and accuracy requirements.
Technical documents (manuals, specifications): Higher per-word rate due to technical expertise and specialized terminology
Pricing for Regular and Express Service:
Regular Service (5-7 Business Days):
Base rate as determined by the chosen pricing model.
Express Service (Next Day or 2 Days):
Premium charge, typically 50-100% of the regular service rate.
Consider factors like urgency, complexity, and language pair.
Additional Considerations:
Language Pair: Rates vary depending on the language pair and the demand for translators.
Document Complexity: Complex documents with specialized terminology or formatting may require higher rates.
Turnaround Time: Urgent projects may incur additional fees.
Volume Discounts: You might receive discounts for large-volume projects.
Additional Services: Extra fees for editing and/or proofreading might be applied.
Certified translations are important because they confirm that the translation is faithful and complete. The translator is fully responsible for the accuracy of the translation.
Certified translations are different from standard translations, which are human translations of documents or text-based content.
People and culture
Our people are what make us unique. They are either native or near-native speakers of the target language. In addition to possessing strong knowledge to either translate or tutor Spanish, French, English, and other languages.
Jessica Gonzalez
Ether Bryce
Rony Gelin
John Smith